Cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine
Ocean Clinic in Marbella offers you the complete range of the most advanced plastic surgery techniques to fulfill all your needs.
At Ocean Clinic Marbella ‘Beyond Beauty’ has become our motto, because it reflects the aspirations of most of our patients, who want to look more beautiful and attractive while enjoying the psychological and spiritual benefits of improved self-es
Ocean Clinic in Marbella offers you the complete range of the most advanced plastic surgery techniques to fulfill all your needs. We offer an all encompassing approach for aesthetic surgery issues, including facial procedures like Facelift, Necklift, Eyelid-lift (Blepharoplasty), nose correction (rhinoplasty) and deep facial peeling techniques.
Our Marbella Ocean Clinic surgical team also provides the latest procedures regarding corporal surgery ensuring minimised scarring and fast recovery for treatments like Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift and Breast Reduction, Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck), Liposculpturing and Liposuction, thigh lift and body lift procedures. Furthermore we provide non-surgical treatments like Botox® (Vistabel), permanent and non-permanent fillers and superficial peelings, all of those techniques are performed on an out-patient basis, and need little or no recovery time before the patient can go ahead with normal work and social life.
With Facial Team Europe, Ocean Clinic Marbella offers a joint partnership to take care of our patients needs for any maxillo-facial surgery or orthodontic treatment here in Marbella, as well providing the latest techniques in aesthetic dentistry, implants and crowns. Furthermore, we are as a team specialized in Facial Feminization techniques, providing an all-encompassing approach for those patients, including the body shaping procedures.
With The Advanced Vein Clinc Marbella, Ocean Clinic Marbella offers a joint partnership to take care of our patients needs for any Varicose Vein Treatment here in Marbella, as well providing the latest techniques in Laser Vein Surgery.
Taking in account of the growing number of international patients treated in our clinic, we also offer complete treatment packages including accommodation in a 4-Star luxury residence attended by professional nurses to insure a relaxing and safe recovery from your procedure. Please contact our Patient Manager Louise Taylor for further information and to organize your stay.
