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Exclusive original paintings. Limited Edition prints

Exclusive original paintings. Limited Edition prints

Do You Like Art? Unique original paintings, Limited Editions prints, Art posters and commission works from Danish artist. Beautiful art for private homes and businesses. Call +(34)636 383 098

In my paintings I convey the joy of life, human willpower, liberty, passion, our sensuality and emotions and most importantly our freedom of expression.
It’s our innate human potential, our drive and our desire to express that allows me my unique expression in my brushstrokes. I use my colours in their vibrancy dancing on the canvas conveying a story and capturing the moment as I myself am experiencing it.
Every painting has it’s own journey, from an idea in my mind to a sketch on paper which then becomes alive on the canvas. It’s up to you how you interpret my paintings, possibly relating them to a time and place in your own life.
My journey with my passion for art has till now been an amazing adventure which I feel has just begun. I’ve sold many pieces worldwide and often customers return for more of my work requiring specific colours and sizes designed for their homes or businesses. My style and brushstrokes have now become my unique signature.
A painting in process
I always connect 100% with the process of each of my paintings.
Each one takes me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I move from hatred to love, limitations to freedom, frustration to control, exhaustion to energy, depression to excitement, weakness to strength and sadness to joy.
I do not try to suppress or ward off the many emotions which arise, instead I use them to express my paintings.
The idea evolves as it is sketched over and over and over again, now it’s there! Firstly, it must be transferred to the canvas requiring a 100% of my concentration in order to make sure the dimensions are precise. So far, so good!
The sketch has now been transferred to the big canvas and the dimensions are perfect, now we have to get reacquainted.
I study my drawing from every angle for several hours whilst sitting, standing, lying down and walking around and I imagine the finished work with its personal and unique expression.
I gently start with a diluted layer of paint introducing the light and shadows. Next, my focus is on the painting as a whole. Whilst creating its base and background I allow for improvisation without losing control of the paintings figure. Similarly, I concentrate on expressing the painting’s figure without losing control of its background. Thus, the painting conveys a sense of complete harmony with vibrations and energy which expresses its unique flow. This is a process I repeat several times.
By using several layers of paint and choosing opposing colours, the viewer is able to see a lower layer of colours permeate through to the surface which is equally important to the completed design.
I can use a wide range of colours that are in opposition to each other and still allow them to flow in harmony. As well as this, I can also use fewer colours in harmony with each other and still give them that magical powerful expression.
Depending on my personal emotions, a painting normally can take somewhere between 2-4 weeks to complete. However, there are occasions when I need to set a painting aside because the timing just isn’t right.
When I give my work my personal signature I always feel an emptiness inside. Nevertheless, giving the painting its protective varnish restores my joy as I touch and feel the entire painting with the brush for the last time. Although my journey with this individual painting is now complete, I am excited at the prospects of a new blank canvas.
My art is strong, expressive and life-affirming with a sense of movement.
Art doesn’t have to be weird to be fantastic. Just let it bring happiness and meaning to your life.

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  • Last login: 3 years(s) ago