High Flyers Tarifa Kitesurfing holidays
Kitesurfing holidays for all levels in Tarifa, Spain.
The friendliest guesthouse in town!
Long days kiting, kiters house, breakfast, transport.
10 Years of High Flyers....
Well, it’s actually 11 years, but I was so busy teaching guys like you that I missed is. So here it is - High Flyers 10 and a bit anniverary!
The price now is just : 595€ ** for a week
For this you get the usual High Flyers service:
6 potential days of kiting
7 nights accommodation in High Flyers House
Transport to the beaches
My guidance to the best spots and coaching (if you want!)
A group consisiting solely of good kiters (if you have a beginner / intermediate friends who want to come, they still can, and will receive top quality lessons)
So, come back and celebrate where many of you began your kiting careers. Let’s go and kite hard together and drink a mojito to how kitesurfing has changed our lives!!
** doesn’t include kit. Please bring your own, or you can rent here. We have a full range of the latest gear
Sprintime Special Offer: Come on an Independent Kiters’ Camp in March - May for the following discounts:
Come on your own: 15% discount = 505€
2 People = 20% discount = 475€ per person
3 People = 25% discount = 445€ p/p
4 people = 30% discount = 415€ p/p
Book here and now
More info:
email: [email protected]
Tel / WhatsApp: +34 676286118
web: highflyerstarifa.com